Friday, May 31, 2013

PLE Conference 2013: Draft Program

Já está disponível o programa preliminar para The PLE Conference 2013 - Personal Learning Environments: Learning and Diversity in the Cities of the Future (10 – 12 July 2013, Berlin, Germany &  Melbourne, Australia).

Uma das sessões tem como tema "PLE e Gamification" com uma contribuição (paper #58) em co-autoria com Ana Vilas e Rebeca Redondo, da Universidade de Vigo  e Ademar Aguiar da Universidade do Porto.


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  2. Social learning environment is getting a lot of fame now a days because they have a homepage for the users and the users can change those pages accordingly to make changes in this to identify the problems.

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  4. I found the important link in which i have know how to write best statement of purpose for PhD. In this statement, we have to write our purposes of getting this degree.

  5. Every institute should engaged such kind of conferences. They shared about learning environments and learning diversity with each other. and also discuss how to overcome the bad things in our learning environments. Just click site if you need help.
