Sunday, July 01, 2012

Horizon Report - 2012 K-12 Edition

Foi publicado recentemente o Horizon Report - 2012 K-12 Edition (ver também este post Horizon Report 2012 - Higher Education Edition).

Destaque para:
Horizonte de adoção inferior a 1 ano
  • Mobile devices e apps
  • Tablet computing
Horizonte de adoção de dois a três anos
  • Game-based learning
  • Ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem (PLEs)
Horizonte de adoção de quatro a cinco anos
  • Realidade aumentada
  • Natural user interfaces
A aprendizagem baseada em jogos (Game-based Learning) aparece ainda com um horizonte de adoção muito largo face ao que seria de esperar, tendo em conta que se trata de algo de que se fala já há vários anos. O relatório aponta uma explicação: "This may be because a compelling supporting technology or concrete set of tools has not emerged that schools can broadly use to bring game-based learning to life".

A aprendizagem baseada em jogos é definida como "... the integration of games or gaming mechanics into educational experiences". Nesta definição acaba por estar também incluído o recente conceito de gamification.

Algumas passagens do relatório a realçar no que diz respeito a este tópico:

"... what may be most appealing to educators is that games provide students a safe place to learn from failure. In games, exploration is inherent and there are generally no high-stakes consequence. Children are able to experiment and take risks to find solutions without the feeling that they are doing something wrong. Games encourage students to make and learn from mistakes, which is a particularly important concept in the K-12 setting".

"Game-based learning reflects a number of important soft skills schools strive for students to acquire: collaboration, problem solving, communication, critical thinking, and digital literacy".

"From role-playing games that enable students to experience the world from someone else’s eyes, to online social games that present real
world problems and raise global awareness, to the incorporation of game design in computer science classes, game mechanics can be integrated on many different levels in K-12 curriculum".

"Perhaps the most popular games at the K-12 level come in app form".

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